Using BitSignal's business card-sharing technology, when attendees scan, tap, or link their event badges with one another, a contacts list is created in your badge that you can use to connect with other attendees and vendors even after the event is over.
Contact Us About Events
Outfit your next event with Digital Event Badges that can be shared, monitored, and collected to help bring attendees together like never before.

Bring BitSignal to Your Event
Using BitSignal Events, you can provide your attendees, vendors, and employees with a Digital Event Badge to share with each other, help you monitor attendance and performance, award points, gather contacts, and more.
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Find out if Bitsignal Events is right for your Event, and reach out to our team to help get you started!
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Provide a Full List of Connections
During your event, with every scan you and your attendees are creating and storing a contacts list that can be accessed at any time during or after the event.
Attendees can even earn points for connecting with vendors or other attendees, and help you keep track of your attendees as well.

Connect Attendees and Vendors Seamlessly